A look back on the great, good and not-so-good of 2024.
The past year has been pretty tough in the world of work. For a lot of people. Much like 2023, it felt like some creative agencies struggled, some thinning out their in-house teams in favour of freelancers, some unable to carry on entirely. It also seemed like others thrived. I’m not entirely sure why.
My relationship with work
I realised, perhaps a little too late, that my relationship with work this year has not been a good one. I have tried to do too much, buried myself in my laptop over too many late nights and weekends alongside the regular working hours. I’ve come pretty close to burn out. Not something I wanted to do.
Oddly, I seem to have worked more and more hours but I’ve not necessarily produced as much work as in 2023. For LEAP, I only completed 4 full web projects. (in-house UX, design and build). This was accompanied by a fairly hefty amount of retained work for a set of clients. But compare this to 2023’s 12 projects, it was certainly a major difference.
I also completed 4 freelance projects this year. With another due to complete in January. I was 3.8% short of my income goal, but I didn’t market my freelance services AT ALL, so I am in no way surprised that I didn’t meet it. 2025 will see a major shift here, and I have big goals in this space, along with a growing optimism.
Side quests
The lowwwcarbon website showcase continues to grow. Slowly and steadily. Over 135 submissions, only 45 of them passed the tests and were successful, making it into the showcase. With an average of 0.12g per initial page view (pre-cache) the standard is pretty high. It proves that it is possible to have a great looking, high-performance website that is lightweight on servers, devices and the planet. A better web is available here and now. With just a little effort and mindset shift.
the-sustainable.dev didn’t really grow a lot in 2024. My focus was elsewhere. The website is due for some care and attention, and the directory has gotten out of hand. The people and companies listed aren’t up to the same standards and compliance as the lowwwcarbon showcase. That needs to change. Action needs to be taken to strip out the chaff and have a really dedicated set of people who are really pushing for a more sustainable web, so that visitors to the site know and can trust the directory listings.
One small step for Earth has had a little facelift, and a tiny reduction in weight. Making it now just 7.29 KB of initial page load (down from 7.58 KB). Once cached, just 4.78 KB. No doubt it is a simple page, but it is still styled well, (not just browser defaults) with animated elements in a modern layout. It is my proof of concept for industry-leading tiny static sites. It remains the smallest site on lowwwcarbon.
This is a tough one. 2024 has been the year of change. Big change.
It started with a long-term relationship ending. Which, at the time, was really not the best for me mentally. If you read my 2023 reflection, you will understand why. This was followed by nearly 8 months of living in a house whilst it was being sold. Then, inevitably, moving back into my childhood home. Safe to say, not quite where you wish to find yourself as you rattle through your mid-thirties. But there you go. That is life.
On a much more positive note, moving back to the area I grew up in has allowed me to reconnect with old friends. It has also meant I have spent even more time with my whole family. Joining in on the sidelines of the football pitch to watch my nephews play is just one example.
There has also been a fair amount more time spent outdoors. Nature is a great healer, if you let it be. There has certainly been more of an effort to spend increased time in nature. Walking to and from work more often, hiking the local hills and spending time in the garden during the late summer evenings. Writing this in December though, I realise I haven’t continued as much as I should have done during the winter months so far, apart from over the festive break.
In the latter stages of 2023 I started playing golf again, after 15 years of not playing (yes yes, I know, golf w*nker). Well 2024 has seen that increase. Certainly during the spring and summertime. Many years ago, when I used to play a lot as a junior, I utilised golf as a way of getting outdoors and processing life’s ebbs and flows. This year I have found myself repeating the same moves.
Many people use sports and exercise for the mental benefits as much as the physical ones. For me, golf allows the time to gather my thoughts and process them, all the while getting some well needed steps in away from the screen.
Personal wellness
Much like the rest of my year, my personal health has been up and down. Mental health especially. I have spoken to more people about mental health this year than any other year previously. I have opened up a lot more, been vulnerable, and in return others have too. I think this is a really positive thing.
Balance is one thing I have lacked. Across all aspects of my life this year. But especially in work. This is something I intend on changing in the new year. Taking more control of what I can, embracing the unknowns with optimism and a sense of improvisation. A more balanced lifestyle, a happier self.
What’s next?
Well, let’s just say I am entering 2025 with a lot of hope and optimism about what the year brings. There will inevitably be a number of more big changes on the way for me. I am manifesting all of them to be as positive as I can make them, whether in my work, hobbies or personal life. 2025 will be focused on personal growth. Learning, in all aspects of life, to have more of a balance. To be happier.
If you have got this far, I thank you. I don’t expect anyone to really read these overshares. I use them more so for me to reflect, ready to move on into the new year afresh.
If any of the subjects mentioned triggered you, I am really sorry. If you feel you need someone to chat to, hey, I am here. The world needs more love, support, and kindness. So reach out in whatever way suits you best if you want to.