A new focus in direction. Digital sustainability

Over the last few years I have been on a bit of a personal journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle. It has touched every aspect of my life in some way or another.

I have been looking for more ways to bring this into my work life. Starting the-sustainable.dev as a side project was a great start and it has had some great traction, helping many to learn more about the impact the internet has and what we as developers we can do about it. But, I wanted to do more.

I took the decision to leave my current role for a new job with a more specific direction. Soon I shall start that new role with a focus on sustainable web developments for a host of clients trying to do business better. Balancing their businesses for people, planet and lastly, profit.

I’m hoping this new role with help me go further in my journey to a more sustainable life, creating more sustainable websites and driving forward the green web through my day job.