My favourite books in 2023 so far

I didn’t read a lot as a child. I didn’t have the patience. But, as I’ve grown older I have found myself delving into all kinds of books. From self-learning, to low-carbon gardening, and to more practical content for improving my working skills; I’ve read quite a lot of different books.

Every year I seem to want to read more. Though, I still find it hard to carve out the time dedicated to reading. The desire to learn more, to understand the world around me, as well as understand myself and my place in the world, only looks to increase with time.

So, I thought I would share some of my favourite books so far this year. In no particular order, here they are.

  1. Do Purpose

    From the wonderfully diverse Do book range, Do Purpose by David Hieatt offers insights on purpose-led business, and why people are drawn to them. The book moves on to how to build one of these purpose-driven companies yourself. Both in-depth and not too wordy at the same time. It’s a great little read.

  2. The Future We Choose

    This book has been out for some time, first published in 2021, but it went under my radar. A few months back, I saw someone in my network share the book, and it was purchased later that day. I read it cover to cover in two train journeys. A story of the dangerous climate change situation we’re all in and how we got here, but importantly, the positive outlook on how we can get out of it. As the book says, Humanity is not doomed, and we can and will survive. The future is ours to create: it will be shaped by who we choose to be in the coming years.

  3. Regenesis

    An intensive read, and one that makes you question not just your diet, but your understanding of the earth under your feet. I learnt a great deal within the first chapter alone. A powerful, well-researched book from George Monbiot.

  4. The Green Startup

    An enjoyable how-to book for both new and recently established businesses. Actually, all businesses could learn from this book and implement the actions, but, it is aimed at those starting out in their business journey. Well written by Juliet Davenport, the book is easy to read and understand, so anyone could pick this up and get going, creating better businesses for people and planet.

  5. Lagom

    Finally for this list, Lagom. A book about balanced-living the Swedish way. I love little books like these. I have a couple of others in a similar realm, Scandi-related lifestyle and living guides. It is a pleasant and relaxing read, with words accompanied by some delightful illustrations.

I hope you enjoyed this list of books. I certainly did. If you’re looking at buying any of them to enjoy yourself, please consider purchasing second-hand from websites such as World of Books or via Ebay and the like. Or, if buying new, consider supporting your local bookshop. If you don’t have one nearby, try where you can purchase from independent bookshops from around the UK.