Seas At Risk

Project @ Fiasco Design

A content-driven build for Seas At Risk, an association of environmental organisations from across Europe

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  • Deep search
  • Manifesto
  • WordPress
Seas At Risk website homepage

I was responsible for the build of this WordPress-based website and content system whilst working at Fiasco Design. Building out both back and front-end, working with Advanced Custom Fields to create a custom page builder-like system.

The website needed to facilitate a lot of constantly updating content. WordPress was the perfect solution for this with its heritage in blogging.

Seas At Risk describes themselves as:

β€œAn association of environmental organisations from across Europe, working together to ensure that life in our seas and oceans is abundant, diverse, climate-resilient, and not threatened by human activities.”

It was a pleasure to work on the project and to facilitate the platform that shares such important information about our changing seas and oceans.